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Depraved but not left desolate

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1Depraved but not left desolate Empty Depraved but not left desolate Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:15 pm




God’s Extreme Love Shouts For Man’s Attention

Introduction: In a world oftentimes filled with darkness, distractions, and dashing hopes, the beauty behind the gospel remains - God continues to call all people groups everywhere to see our need for Him. God is not distant. Yet He appears far and unapproachable to all who refuse healing for the total and radical corruption of our souls.

Human Depravity - a dreadful sounding theological term that is not commonly discussed in post-modern America. There was a time in western world culture, however, when this theological term and its consequence were widely understood and discussed. There was a time when the Bible, and the doctrines within Holy Scripture were taken seriously - when Christian folks knew of Human Depravity as sin that permeates the core of each man’s life. There was a time when God was recognized as all-knowing, all-powerful, and always present. There was a time, before the invasion of the enlightenment era, before the period in our history when individualism took center stage that the conscience of man was a good guide as it was shaped and ruled by God Almighty. There was a time...

The world we live in today is much different than the world a half century ago. If we roll back the clock to the middle of the 20th century, we find (real) faith in God a priority in most lives. The world was simpler, easily satisfied, secure. I’m not suggesting the world was perfect, far from it. Sin has abound in the hearts of men throughout all of human history. However, reverence for God and respect for His holiness allowed most folks the ability to live life with a God directed moral compass. Today, the moral compass is ignored as many maneuver through the maze of life in a fog, a funk, a continual wilderness. This does not have to be the case, however. As man looks upward in faith toward God Almighty, man begins to respond to God’s constant tug. It is then that man begins to acknowledge that without God we are sunk, drowning in a sea of sin.

The Bible teaches us that God’s greatest desire is to involve man in His affairs, to engage man, to allow man the privilege to reciprocate and respond in a relationship with Christ Jesus. In order for man to reply to God’s tug, we must first see our need for God. We must first see our need for redemption. We must grapple with the truth that we need saved - we need God. After all, why respond to God’s tug toward salvation if there is no need for being saved. Why react to God’s gift of forgiveness if we are good folks who do not have a need for forgiveness? Why seek salvation? God’s word says we need to be saved, but saved from what? Most people believe there is no need for a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. Lots of folks believe their perceived goodness is sufficient for salvation. We all have the ability to choose right from wrong - unfortunately for the obstinate at heart, lots of folks remain unregenerate in their refusal to acknowledge their shortcomings and need for the Savior Jesus Christ.. The Holy Scriptures are saturated in texts that abolish the notion that man’s good works are adequate for redemption. The Bible flows from Genesis to Revelation in complete harmony regarding ‘the guilt of man and the grace of God.’ Man, in all his inadequacies, falls woefully short in any human attempt at gaining God’s eternal approval. God is undeniably holy, true, and perfect. Man is sinful, deceitful, and fallible. Despite our best effort, and in comparison to God’s perfect and holy standard, mankind remains drenched in our spiritual infirmities. In Theological terms, we all commit sins of commission and sins of omission - we all do things we ought not do and fail to do things we should do. Mankind stumbles over himself as human nature pushes us toward self-centeredness, ego, and pride. Yet God calls us to let go of self only to find the beauty of clinging to Jesus Christ.

God has gone to great lengths to remedy man’s guilt. Yet man oftentimes hides from God in the darkness of his hardened heart. Man oftentimes rejects God and His redemption because man thinks he’s safe, secure, and good. When people embrace this false reality, they mock the Savior and His offer of salvation, thumbing their nose toward God. Sadly, they stand in their own self-righteousness only to find that someday they will fall. Self-righteousness is nothing new. Since the dawn of time, man’s corrupt thinking has persuaded him that he, and all of his well-intentioned actions, can gain God’s almighty approval. Man has convinced himself that his good deeds can win over the affections of God as a sacrifice of moral strength. Yet this offends God. God doesn’t want our good deeds and religion, He wants our acknowledgment of failure so He may heal our sin dilemma. He invites mankind to join in His plan.

From before the dawn of time and in His omniscient mind, God purposed a plan to remedy the imminent fall of mankind and the guilt that followed. God provided a plan and a way to remedy mankind’s sin dilemma - He would transfer man’s guilt (sin) to Himself. He would exchange sin and the shame of human iniquity, for forgiveness, redemption, restoration, and rest. God had a solution. The solution would come in the form of a man, a very unique man. The task of restoring dignity and life to mankind was an enormous undertaking. This plan (to redeem mankind) would be God’s best and only plan for restoring man to God. Yes, despite man’s disobedience, distrust, and (even) disdain toward God, He has met our deepest need - freedom from the bondage of sin.

I have often wondered why we, as humankind, are so belligerent toward God. In our quiet antagonism toward God, we tend to ask all the wrong questions. We, in our self-centeredness, ask: Why is there only one way to God and heaven? Why is the God of the Bible so narrowminded that He requires all people to receive Jesus Christ in order to receive eternal life? Why is the Christian way to blessing and eternal security such a needle-shaped road? When, in reality, the correct question(s) should be: Why did a holy, blameless, and perfect God condescend to provide mankind with a way to receive Him in relationship that leads to eternal blessing? Why would God, in all of His majesty, descend upon humankind and offer us an opportunity to receive His absolute best? How can a perfect God put up with imperfect folks like us? The answer is simple and quite amazing. The answer? Love.

The perfect love of God transcends our finite understanding of Him - our understanding of God will never be completely comprehensive. However, God, through the person of Christ Jesus, has demonstrated His love for us in way’s we can begin to apprehend, embrace, and enjoy. Jesus Christ is the fullness of God’s love spilled out and fleshed out for all of mankind to see. So many times, I have held my dear children on my lap and reminded them of my sweet and everlasting love for them. If I, a fallible and sinful man, can love my children so complete and so deeply, how much more does an infallible and sinless Father love us? An infinite amount more! The Christian God of the Bible is a God of all-consuming love. His word teaches that every action on God’s part toward mankind is motivated by love. In His graciousness, God loves. In His goodness, God loves. In the discipline of His children, God loves. In His constant offer of reconciliation and redemption for individuals, God loves. This is a central point in the pages of Holy Scripture, and we see it fleshed out in the Living Word, Jesus Christ. It’s a slam-dunk! God is wholly motivated by His unconditional love for mankind universally, and individuals specifically. In all of God’s actions there is balance and symmetry. While Liberal theology teaches God has no wrath (or justice) because of His love, and Legalistic theologies teach God’s wrath outweighs His love, Biblical Christianity teaches that the scales of the Almighty God remain balanced - in all things, God loves. So, how does God, who deals with all things in love, deal with the reality of human depravity?

The divinely inspired Bible teaches us that while we were yet sinners and in constant rebellion toward God, Jesus Christ died on our behalf in order to offer forgiveness for all who would come to the cross. The bondage of sin that all individuals possess has been defeated! For any and all who receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, sin need not be a constant in one’s life. Jesus not only offers us forgiveness, He has also delivered unto us resurrection, as He defeated eternal death by rising on the third day. He offers us companionship and comfort by the giving of His Holy Spirit. God has provided a way, a great way, to walk with Him. God loves you my friend. May you engage Him in a relationship that leads to internal and eternal freedom. May you actively engage Jesus Christ in prayer and praise. Jesus died for our depraved human condition; therefore, by His grace may we live for Him in a vibrant and Spirit-led relationship.

Summary Of Applicable Facts

1.) When one refuses to acknowledge personal sin, one fails to see the beauty of the Cross of Calvary.

2.) Acknowledging personal sin and the depraved human condition opens one’s spiritual eyes to the reality of God’s grace and love for mankind.

3.) Humanism teaches that sin rests only on the periphery or outer boundaries of our lives. Christianity teaches that sin penetrates the core or center of our lives. This is known as Man’s Sin Dilemma.

4.) God is never caught off-guard or surprised by man’s shortcomings or failures.

5.) The Christian God of the Bible is a God of help, hope, and healing. Jesus Christ offers us God’s absolute best!

6.) The God of the Bible is a God of all-consuming love for mankind universally, and individuals specifically.

7.) Liberal theology, along with theologies of Legalism, are oxymoronic concepts because both ideas teach a disequilibrium in God’s nature. However, the scales of Biblical Christianity remain equalized and balanced - in all of God’s actions and activities, He loves.

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